数据与计算发展前沿 ›› 2022, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (2): 17-28.

doi: 10.11871/jfdc.issn.2096-742X.2022.02.002

• 专刊:先进智能计算平台及应用 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南开大学,软件学院,天津 300350
  • 收稿日期:2022-02-16 出版日期:2022-04-20 发布日期:2022-04-30
  • 通讯作者: 孙羽菲
  • 作者简介:陈禹乔,南开大学,软件学院,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为深度学习框架移植与高性能计算。
    CHEN Yuqiao is currently a master’s student in the College of Software at Nankai University, Tianjin, China. His research interests include Deep Learning Framework Transplantation and High-Performance Computing.
    In this paper, he is mainly responsible for the design of the paper architecture and participating in the methodology design and implementation.
    E-mail: ujoenk@mail.nankai.edu.cn|孙羽菲,南开大学,软件学院,特聘研究员,博士,主要研究方向为深度学习、异构计算、人工智能等。
    SUN Yufei, Ph.D, is a professor at Coll -ege of Software, Nankai University. Her re-search interests include Deep Learning, Heterogeneous Computing,Artificial Intelligence, etc.
    In this paper she is mainly responsible for the paper guidance and paper revision.
    E-mail: yufei_sun@sina.com|程大果,南开大学,软件学院,硕士研究生,研究方向为深度学习和高性能计算。
    CHENG Daguo is a master’s student in College of Software at Nankai University. His research interests include Deep Learning and High-Performance Computing.
    In this paper, he is mainly responsible for participating in the methodology design and Implementation.
    E-mail: chengdaguo@mail.nankai.edu.cn|张玉志,南开大学,软件学院,讲席教授,院长。主要研究方向为人工智能、模式识别、自然语言处理等。
    ZHANG Yuzhi is the chair professor and the Dean of Software College at Na-nkai University. His research interests include Artificial Intell-igence, Pattern Recognition, Natural Language Processing, etc.
    In this paper he is mainly responsible for the related work investigation and guidance.
    E-mail: zyz@nankai.edu.cn|周建宇,南开大学,软件学院,讲师,博士,主要研究方向为算法设计与优化、统计机器学习等。
    ZHOU Jianyu is a lecturer at College of Software, Nankai University. His res-earch interests include algorithm design and optimization, stat-istical machine learning, etc.
    In this paper, he is mainly responsible for the related work investigation and paper revision.
    E-mail: jyzhou@nankai.edu.cn|隋轶丞,南开大学,软件学院,博士研究生,主要研究方向为人工智能。
    SUI Yicheng is a Ph.D student in Co-llege of Software at Nankai University. His research interests include Artificial Intelligence.
    In this paper, he is mainly responsible for participating in the methodology design and implementation.
    E-mail: suiyicheng@mail.nankai.edu.cn|石昌青,南开大学,软件学院,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为深度学习与高性能计算。
    SHI Changqing is a master’s student in College of Software at Nankai University. His research interests include Deep Lea-rning and High-Performance Computing.
    In this paper, he is mainly responsible for participating in the methodology design and implementation.
    E-mail: shichangqing@mail.nankai.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Design and Implementation of Testing and Verification Method for OpenCL Kernels in TensorFlow

CHEN Yuqiao(),SUN Yufei*(),CHENG Daguo(),ZHANG Yuzhi(),ZHOU Jianyu(),SUI Yicheng(),SHI Changqing()   

  1. College of Software, Nankai University, Tianjin 300350, China
  • Received:2022-02-16 Online:2022-04-20 Published:2022-04-30
  • Contact: SUN Yufei



关键词: TensorFlow, CUDA, OpenCL, 代码审核, 代码测试


[Objective] TensorFlow is the most representative deep learning framework in the field of artificial intelligence. The domestic acceleration device needs a version of TensorFlow with OpenCL support to take advantage of its acceleration performance, for which the CUDA code in TensorFlow needs to be converted to OpenCL code. How to verify the correctness of the OpenCL kernels is an important problem in the development task. [Methods] Based on the TensorFlow raw ops test interface and TensorFlow custom op implemented by the dynamic link library, this paper proposes a test scheme for OpenCL kernels, including the source code design rules of the custom op, test code rules, code review methods, and test process. [Results] This paper implements the review and testing of 135 OpenCL kernel function codes, tests and compares them under various data types and data scales, and completes the verification of the correctness of the OpenCL kernels and their performance comparison with the CUDA kernels. [Conclusions] This paper provides a reliable and effective approach for testing OpenCL kernels based on TensorFlow.

Key words: TensorFlow, CUDA, OpenCL, code review, code testing