数据与计算发展前沿 ›› 2022, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (2): 50-62.

doi: 10.11871/jfdc.issn.2096-742X.2022.02.005

• 专刊:先进智能计算平台及应用 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南开大学,软件学院,天津 300450
  • 收稿日期:2022-02-06 出版日期:2022-04-20 发布日期:2022-04-30
  • 通讯作者: 李正丹
  • 作者简介:陶磊,南开大学,硕士研究生,研究方向为计算机视觉、自然语言处理、软件工程等。在本文中负责语义相似度模型相关部分的撰写。
    TAO Lei is a graduate student of Nankai University. His research interests include computer vision, natural language processing, software Enginee-ring, etc.
    In this article, he is responsible for writing the relevant parts of the semantic similarity model.
    E-mail: stonebegin@sina.com|苏晨阳,南开大学,硕士研究生,研究方向为自然语言处理、软件工程等。
    SU Chenyang is a graduate student of Nankai University. His research interests include natural language processing and software engineering.
    In this article, he is responsible for writing the relevant parts of elasticsearch.
    E-mail: 15731471310@163.com|李正丹,南开大学,助理实验师,硕士,研究方向为人工智能、软件工程等。南开大学教学资源平台应用开发负责人。本文主要承担论文修改与审核相关工作。
    LI Zhengdan is an assistant experimentalist of Nankai Uni-versity. Her research interests include artificial intelligence, software engineering, etc. She is the development leader of Education resource platform of Nankai University.
    In this article, she is mainly responsible for the revision and review of the paper.
    E-mail: lzd@nankai.edu.cn|朱静雯,南开大学,实验师,硕士,研究方向为软件工程、软件安全、人工智能等。
    ZHU Jingwen is an experimentalist of Nankai University. Her research interests include software engin-eering, software security, artificial intelligence, etc.
    In this article, she is mainly responsible for the revision and review of the paper.
    E-mail: zhujingwen@nankai.edu.cn|张玉志,南开大学讲席教授,软件学院院长,主要研究方向为人工智能、模式识别、自然语言处理等。南开大学教学资源平台项目负责人。
    ZHANG Yuzhi is the chair professor and the Dean of the Software College at Nankai University. His research interests include artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, natural lan-guage processing, etc. He is the project leader of Education reso-urce platform of Nankai University.
    In this article, he is mainly responsible for the revision and rev-iew of the paper.
    E-mail: zyz@nankai.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Educational Resource Search Strategy Based on ElasticSearch and Semantic Similarity Matching

TAO Lei(),SU Chenyang(),LI Zhengdan*(),ZHU Jingwen(),ZHANG Yuzhi()   

  1. Department of Software, Nankai University, Tianjin 300450, China
  • Received:2022-02-06 Online:2022-04-20 Published:2022-04-30
  • Contact: LI Zhengdan



关键词: ElasticSearch, 文本相似度, 搜索策略, 知识图谱


[Objective] In order to integrate a variety of educational resources and help users obtain rich education contents, this paper presents the design and implementation of an efficient and accurate search strategy under this scenario. [Context] There are many types of educational resources and their quantity is huge. Users' demand for accurate retrieval is growing day by day. The effect of the current search approach based on ElasticSearch is not satisfactory. [Methods] After preprocessing and word segmentation of the query input by the user, n approximate results are matched in the query database through the ER-BERT semantic similarity model and inputted into ElasticSearch, and then the correlation calculation formula are constructed. Finally, the matching results are sorted according to the final score of the comprehensive evaluation. [Results] Using knowledge graph technology to integrate complex education resources, an education resource search strategy based on ElasticSearch and semantic similarity matching is realized. While ensuring the retrieval speed, it can be used to search according to the semantic information of the query retrieved by users. [Conclusions] The experiment results show that using this education resource search strategy increases the number of search results, improves the accuracy of results while ensuring the search speed, and significantly improves the user's search experience.

Key words: ElasticSearch, text similarity, search strategy, knowledge graph