数据与计算发展前沿 ›› 2022, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (1): 113-125.

doi: 10.11871/jfdc.issn.2096-742X.2022.01.009

• 专刊:“国家科学数据中心联合”专刊 • 上一篇    



  1. 1.中国科学院国家授时中心,陕西 西安 710600
    2.中国科学院精密导航定位与定时技术重点实验室,陕西 西安 710600
    3.中国科学院大学,北京 100049
  • 收稿日期:2021-10-07 出版日期:2022-02-20 发布日期:2022-03-04
  • 通讯作者: 张喆
  • 作者简介:张喆,中国科学院国家授时中心,助理研究员,中国科学院大学,博士研究生,主要研究方向为卫星导航数据管理、卫星钟差计算、GNSS电离层建模等。
    ZHANG Zhe is an assistant researcher of National Time Ser-vice Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is also a Ph.D candidate in University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests include satellite navigation system data mana-gement, satellite clock offset calculation, GNSS ionospheric mo-deling, etc.
    In this work, he is mainly responsible for construction, ope-ration, and maintenance of data center systems. E-mail: zhangzhe@ntsc.ac.cn|杨海彦,中国科学院国家授时中心,博士,副研究员,iGMAS跟踪站(国内)负责人,主要研究方向为GNSS数据处理、时间传递。
    YANG Haiyan, Ph.D, is an associate Researcher of National Time Service Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is the leader of iGMAS domestic tracking stations. His research inter-ests include GNSS precise data processing and high-precision time transfer, etc.
    In this work, he is mainly responsible for the design of data collection system. E-mail: yanghy@ntsc.ac.cn|王海雪,中国科学院大学,博士研究生,主要研究方向为卫星导航数据管理、卫星钟差计算、时间传递研究等。
    WANG Haixue, is a Ph.D candidate in University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Her research inte-rests include satellite navigation system data management, sate-llite clock offset calculation, time transfer, etc.
    In this work, she is mainly responsible for data and products management. E-mail: wanghaixue@ntsc.ac.cn|王格,中国科学院国家授时中心,助理工程师,中国科学院大学,博士研究生,主要研究方向为GNSS数据处理和电离层建模等。
    WANG Ge is an assistant engineer of National Time Service Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences. She is also a PH.D candidate in University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Her research interests include data proce-ssing and ionospheric modeling of GNSS, etc.
    In this work, she is mainly responsible for data and products management. E-mail: wangge@ntsc.ac.cn|何战科,中国科学院国家授时中心,博士,副研究员,主要研究方向为基于GNSS的地球自转参数确定及其变化的分析研究。
    HE Zhanke, Ph.D, is an associate researcher of National Time Service Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests include GNSS based earth rotation parameters determination and analysis, etc.
    In this work, he is mainly responsible for the design of the data center. E-mail: hzk@ntsc.ac.cn|徐永亮,中国科学院国家授时中心,博士,助理研究员,主要研究方向为卫星导航数据管理、守时技术等。
    XU Yongliang, Ph.D, is an assistant re-searcher of National Time Service Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Her research interests incl-ude satellite navigation system data management, time keeping, etc.
    In this work, she is mainly responsible for the operation and maintenance of the data center. E-mail: xuyl@ntsc.ac.cn|孙保琪,中国科学院国家授时中心,博士,研究员,iGMAS授时中心数据分析中心负责人,主要研究方向为GNSS精密数据处理及高精度应用、卫星精密定轨、GNSS时间传递。
    SUN Baoqi, Ph.D, is a researcher of National Time Service Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is the leader of iG-MAS Xi’an data analysis center. His re-search interests include GNSS precise data processing and high-precision applications, satellite precise orbit determination, GNSS time transfer, etc.
    In this work, he is mainly responsible for the data products generation and maintenance. E-mail: sunbaoqi@ntsc.ac.cn|杨旭海,中国科学院国家授时中心,博士,研究员,iGMAS西安数据中心负责人,主要研究方向为高精度时间同步、精密测定轨。
    YANG Xuhai, Ph.D, is a researcher of National Time Service Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is the leader of iGMAS Xi’an data center. His research interests include high-precision time transfer, orbit measurement, and orbit deter-mination.
    In this work, he is mainly responsible for the design of the data center. E-mail: yyang@ntsc.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:

Research and Application of iGMAS Data Collection and Service

ZHANG Zhe1,2,3,*(),YANG Haiyan1,2,3(),WANG Haixue1,2,3(),WANG Ge1,2,3(),HE Zhanke1,2,3(),XU Yongliang1,2,3(),SUN Baoqi1,2,3(),YANG Xuhai1,2,3()   

  1. 1. National Time Service Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710600, China
    2. Key Laboratory of Precise Positioning and Timing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710600, China
    3. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
  • Received:2021-10-07 Online:2022-02-20 Published:2022-03-04
  • Contact: ZHANG Zhe


【目的】国际GNSS监测评估系统(international GNSS Monitoring and Assessment System, iGMAS) 通过布设全球GNSS跟踪站网,对全球四大卫星导航系统运行状况和主要性能指标进行监测和评估,由全球跟踪站网、数据中心等组成。【方法】全球跟踪站网主要完成原始观测数据采集,包括:导航卫星码伪距、载波相位、多普勒等,并发送到数据中心。数据中心收集跟踪站网的标准格式观测数据,对原始数据进行质量检查,并分类存储和备份,同时接收分析中心和产品综合中心数据处理后生成的轨道、钟差、大气等精密产品,并通过FTP、WEB等多种手段以标准数据格式提供GNSS数据和产品的服务。【结果】在GNSS监测评估、精密时间频率、地球动力学、大气科学、精密测绘等多个领域得到了应用。

关键词: 北斗, 全球卫星导航系统, 国际GNSS监测评估系统, 数据采集, 数据服务


[Objective] The international GNSS Monitoring and Assessment System (iGMAS) monitors and evaluates the operation status and performance of the world’s four major satellite navigation systems through the deployment of a global tracking station network. It is composed of a global tracking station network, data centers, etc. [Methods] The global tracking station network is responsible for the collection and preprocessing of the observation data from the navigation satellites, such as code pseudo range, carrier phase, and Doppler data, and transmits the data to the data center. The data center collects the standard format observation data of the tracking station network and performs quality inspections, classification, storage, and backup. At the same time, it receives precise products such as orbit, clock offset, atmosphere corrections processed by the analysis center and product service center. It provides standard format data and products through a variety of methods, such as FTP and WEB. [Results] The data and products have been applied in many fields such as GNSS monitoring and evaluation, precise time and frequency field, geodynamics, atmospheric science, precise surveying, and mapping.

Key words: Beidou, GNSS, iGMAS, data collection, data service