Frontiers of Data and Computing ›› 2021, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (6): 35-49.
doi: 10.11871/jfdc.10-1649.2021.06.003
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PU Xiaorong1,*(),HUANG Jiaxin1(),LIU Junchi1(),SUN Jiayu2(),LUO Jixiang1(),ZHAO Yue1(),CHEN Kecheng1(),REN Yazhou1()
PU Xiaorong;;;;;;;;
PU Xiaorong,HUANG Jiaxin,LIU Junchi,SUN Jiayu,LUO Jixiang,ZHAO Yue,CHEN Kecheng,REN Yazhou. A Survey on Clinical Oriented CT Image Denoising[J]. Frontiers of Data and Computing, 2021, 3(6): 35-49.
No. 263 paired NDCT and LDCT slice images of patient C002 from the LDCT-and Projection-data data set [52]. Two methods, BM3D and RED-CNN, are selected as the representatives of traditional methods and deep learning methods, respectively. The noise reduction results are compared through the two yellow ROI regions in the red dashed box: (a) NDCT; (b) LDCT; (c) The result of noise reduction using BM3D; (d) The result of noise reduction using RED-CNN."
Table 1
Summary of representative CNN-Based LDCT image denoising methods between 2018-2021(In the table, PSNR is the peak signal-to-noise ratio, SSIM is the structural similarity, and RMSE is the root mean square error, which are commonly used in CT image evaluation)."
参考文献 | 噪声类型 | 应用场景 | 关键词 | 评价指标 |
Gholizadeh等 (2018) [ | 外加白噪声 | LDCT/X射线图像降噪 | 膨胀卷积 | PSNR\SSIM |
Kadimesetty等 (2019) [ | 外加白噪声 | LDCT图像降噪 | 强化学习/批归一化 | PSNR\SSIM |
Liu等 (2018) [ | 外加白噪声 | CT灌注图像降噪 | 遗传算法 | PSNR\SSIM\RMSE |
Han等(2018) [ | 真实噪声 | CT图像重建 | U-Net/跳跃连接 | PSNR\SSIM |
Khoroushadi等(2019) [ | 真实噪声 | LDCT图像降噪 | 小波变换 | PSNR\SSIM |
Green等(2018) [ | 真实噪声 | 肺部超低剂量CT图像降噪 | 卷积神经网络 | PSNR\双盲评分 |
Li等(2020) [ | 真实噪声 | LDCT图像降噪 | 自注意力/自监督 | PSNR\SSIM\RMSE |
Hendriksen等(2020) [ | 真实噪声 | LDCT图像降噪 | 自监督/无配对样本 | PSNR\SSIM\RMSE |
Wu等(2020)[ | 真实噪声 | CT灌注图像降噪 | 自监督/无配对样本 | PSNR\SSIM |
Du等(2020)[ | 真实噪声 | 图像超分/LDCT图像降噪 | 无监督/域适应 | PSNR\SSIM\RMSE |
Chen等(2021)[ | 真实噪声 | LDCT图像降噪 | 协同训练 | PSNR\双盲评分 |
Chen等(2020)[ | 真实噪声 | LDCT图像降噪 | 构造成对伪样本 | PSNR\SSIM |
Table 2
Summary of representative GAN-Based LDCT image denoising methods between 2018-2021"
参考文献 | 噪声类型 | 应用场景 | 关键词 | 评价指标 |
Yu等 (2018) [ | 外加白噪声 | 光学相干层析成像降噪 | 深度网络/跳跃连接 | PSNR\SSIM\RMSE |
Abbasi等(2019) [ | 外加白噪声 | 3D-MRI/LDCT图像降噪 | 强化学习/全卷积网络 | PSNR\SSIM |
Ma等(2018) [ | 真实噪声 | 光学相干层析成像降噪 | GAN/边缘优先 | PSNR\SSIM\RMSE |
Hong等(2020) [ | 真实噪声 | CT图像重建 | CGAN/端到端网络 | PSNR\SSIM |
Park等(2019) [ | 真实噪声 | LDCT图像降噪 | GAN/无监督 | PSNR\SSIM\RMSE |
You等(2018) [ | 真实噪声 | LDCT图像降噪 | GAN/无监督 | PSNR\双盲评分 |
Yang等(2018) [ | 真实噪声 | LDCT图像降噪 | WGAN/感知损失 | PSNR\双盲评分 |
Zhang等(2021) [ | 真实噪声 | LDCT图像降噪 | U-Net | PSNR\SSIM\RMSE |
Deep learning framework based on LDCT image learning to extract noise [51]. The approximate noise samples extracted from real LDCT images are enhanced by an Encoder-Decoder. Then noise is randomly added to NDCT images to obtain paired pseudo LDCT / NDCT images. Finally, the constructed data set is used to train the noise reduction network based on CNN."
LDCT image denoising framework based on co-training[37]. The denoising networks includes a generator and discriminator. The denoised CT image is produced by the generator. The detection network includes the backbone network (ResNet50), the region proposal network (RPN), and the subsequent network. The ROI proposals and corresponding object scores are obtained by the RPN. According to the object score, the meaningful foreground ROIs in a denoised CT image and corresponding NDCT are selected for the computation of perceptual loss."
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