数据与计算发展前沿 ›› 2019, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (2): 110-120.

doi: 10.11871/jfdc.issn.2096-742X.2019.02.010

所属专题: “人工智能”专刊

• 人工智能专刊 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国科学院高能物理研究所,北京 100049
  • 出版日期:2019-12-20 发布日期:2020-01-15
  • 通讯作者: 储中明
  • 作者简介:Chu Zhongming was born in 1964. He received his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 1994. Through the SNS construction and beam commissioning stages, he was one of the core developers for the XAL software platform. During the LCLS-I commissioning he was in charge of high-level Physics model software.He served as the FRIB Controls leader responsible for budget, schedule and group management. Paul has joined IHEP as a senior research scientist under the Chinese Academy of Sciences “100 Talent Leadership Program”, and the head for the HEPS Technical Support Division and BEPC-II Controls Group leader. His research fields are accelerator physics and accelerator controls.

Machine Learning Applications for Particle Accelerators

Chu Zhongming*(),Xiao Dengjie,Qiao Yusi,Wan Jinyu   

  1. Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
  • Online:2019-12-20 Published:2020-01-15
  • Contact: Chu Zhongming
  • Supported by:
    Work supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Chinese National Development Council.



关键词: 机器学习, 加速器, 加速器控制, 数据库, 软件架构


[Objective] Machine Learning (ML) is a booming field for many complicated problems which were previously unable to solve effectively with conventional methods. In order to deliver big science findings, a modern accelerators such as the under construction low emittance synchrotron radiation based light source, High Energy Photon Source (HEPS), located in suburban Beijing require very high precession control systems to handle thousands of individual devices to work coherently and smartly to perform at its highest running level. This paper introduces some initial work for adopting ML in the accelerator field. [Method] For such a large accelerator, conventional control approach may be insufficient for handling the complexity of operations. This paper outlines that ML techniques may help the accelerator in many aspects and, more importantly, discusses how to prepare the data for ML. Also, a software architecture which is suitable for ML applications applied to accelerator field is introduced. [Results] A global database structure which can cover nearly all accelerator data has been designed and under implementation. In addition, initial works of ML for both accelerator operation and design are shown. [Conclusion] The ML techniques for accelerator start well with some positive results. In the meantime, collaborations between organizations are formed to share work load and speed up development. As the software infrastructure being developed and more good quality data being collected, the ML for accelerators should produce much better results.

Key words: machine learning, particle accelerator, accelerator control, database, software architecture