Frontiers of Data and Computing ›› 2024, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (2): 10-24.

CSTR: 32002.14.jfdc.CN10-1649/TP.2024.02.002

doi: 10.11871/jfdc.issn.2096-742X.2024.02.002

• Special Issue: 30th Anniversary of China’s Full-Functional Connection to the Internet • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Links, Interconnectivity, and Partnerships——30 Years of CSTNET

LI Jianhui*(),ZHANG Lili,CHEN Wei,LIU Yude,LI Jingjing,MA Tongyu,LUO Ze,ZHANG Haiming,YU Ning,REN Yongmao,PEI Changhua,LI Jian,NIU Tie,ZHANG Bo,WU Kaichao,ZHENG Yihua   

  1. Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100083, China
  • Received:2024-03-25 Online:2024-04-20 Published:2024-04-26


[Objective] Since the international connection to the Internet on April 20, 1994, the Internet era commenced in the Chinese mainland. Over the past three decades, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has been at the forefront of establishing the academic and non-profit research network, known as the China Science and Technology Network (CSTNET). CSTNET has played a pivotal role in the construction and development of the Chinese Internet. [Methods] To provide a comprehensive understanding of the development of China’s Internet, this article delves into the 30-year journey of CSTNET, exploring its historical development stages, dissecting key technologies, and highlighting important projects. [Conclusions] The discussions provide constructive directions for current and future network innovation, showcase disciplinary achievements, and envision the future. We hope the review of CSTNET may cast light on the better understanding of the Chinese internet history and is useful for the future development of intelligible cyberinfrastructures in scientific domains.

Key words: CSTNET, CSTCloud, Cyberinfrastructure, Global Open Science Cloud, Open Science, Internet