Frontiers of Data and Computing ›› 2019, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (2): 37-52.
doi: 10.11871/jfdc.issn.2096-742X.2019.02.004
Special Issue: “人工智能”专刊
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Yu Yizhou,Ma Jiechao*(),Shi Dejun,Zhou Zhen
Ma Jiechao
Yu Yizhou, Ma Jiechao, Shi Dejun, Zhou Zhen. Application of Deep Learning in Medical Imaging Analysis: A Survey[J]. Frontiers of Data and Computing, 2019, 1(2): 37-52.
Table 1
The performance comparison of DL models with traditional methods and humans on multiple applications in medical imaging"
任务和评价指标 | 数据模态 | DL | 人工特征方法 | 人类/专家 | DL+人类 | 数据集 |
脑肿瘤分割/Dice | 核磁 | 88.0%[ | 79.0%[ | - | - | 2013 BRATS |
转移乳腺癌检测/准确度[ | 病理切片 | 92.5% | - | 96.60% | 99.50% | Camelyon16 |
视网膜血管分割/准确度 | 眼底图片 | 96.0%~97.3%[ | 92.7~94.5% | 94.70%[ | - | DRIVE/STARE |
糖网筛查/AUC | 眼底图片 | 99.0%[ | 87.8%[ | - | - | Kaggle’s dataset |
肺结节筛查/敏感度 | CT | 95.00%[ | 63.20%[ | - | - | LUNA16 |
肝分割/体积重叠误差[ | CT | 5.37% | 7.73% | - | - | SLIVER07 |
皮肤癌分类/准确度[ | 皮肤图片 | 72.10% | - | 66.00% | - | Public+Private |
乳腺良恶识别/敏感性[ | DBT* | 93.00% | 85.20% | - | - | Private |
肝肿瘤分割/Dice[ | CT | 80.1% | 75.67%~79.78% | - | - | Private |
肠息肉筛查/检出率[ | 结肠镜 | 96.40% | - | 7%~53% | - | Private |
*DBT:数字乳腺断层合成显像 |
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