Frontiers of Data and Computing ›› 2020, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (6): 30-41.
doi: 10.11871/jfdc.issn.2096-742X.2020.06.004
• Key Technology & Application of Modern Service Industry • Previous Articles Next Articles
SHEN Biao(),CHEN Yang,YANG Chen,LIU Bowen
SHEN Biao,CHEN Yang,YANG Chen,LIU Bowen. Computer Vision Detection and Analysis of Mesoscale Eddies in Marine Science[J]. Frontiers of Data and Computing, 2020, 2(6): 30-41.
Table 3
mAP corresponding to different weight proportion size"
α、β、γ比例 | mAP | α、β、γ比例 | mAP |
1:1:1 | 60.48 | 3:5:2 | 60.15 |
2:2:1 | 58.69 | 2:3:5 | 57.75 |
2:1:2 | 58.70 | 3:2:5 | 55.76 |
1:2:2 | 57.43 | 1:1:0 | 57.43 |
2:1:1 | 66.85 | 1:0:1 | 56.48 |
1:2:1 | 59.62 | 0:1:1 | 52.91 |
1:1:2 | 58.62 | 1:0:0 | 56.32 |
5:3:2 | 70.27 | 0:1:0 | 44.91 |
5:2:3 | 67.47 | 0:0:1 | 49.26 |
2:5:3 | 59.73 |
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