Frontiers of Data and Computing ›› 2020, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (1): 38-54.
doi: 10.11871/jfdc.issn.2096-742X.2020.01.004
Special Issue: “高性能与高通量计算及应用”专刊
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Zhou Guangqing1,*(),Zhang Yunquan2,Jiang Jinrong3,Zhang He1,Wu Baodong2,Cao Hang2,Wang Tianyi3,Hao Huiqun3,Zhu Jiawen1,Yuan Liang2,Zhang Minghua1,*()
Zhou Guangqing,Zhang Minghua;
Zhou Guangqing,Zhang Yunquan,Jiang Jinrong,Zhang He,Wu Baodong,Cao Hang,Wang Tianyi,Hao Huiqun,Zhu Jiawen,Yuan Liang,Zhang Minghua. Earth System Model: CAS-ESM[J]. Frontiers of Data and Computing, 2020, 2(1): 38-54.
(a) The computing speed of the model before and after optimization, blue line for original model, red line for the model with communication optimization, floating point performance optimization, etc., green line for the fully optimized model; (b) The speedup of the fully optimized model on NUDT E-level super computer [29] ."
Table 3
The model comparison experiments in CMIP6"
No. | Short name | Long name of MIP | CAS-ESM |
1 | AerChemMIP | Aerosols and Chemistry Model Intercomparison Project | 参加 |
2 | C4MIP | Coupled Climate Carbon Cycle Model Intercomparison Project | 参加 |
3 | CFMIP | Cloud Feedback Model Intercomparison Project | 拟参加 |
4 | DAMIP | Detection and Attribution Model Intercomparison Project | 参加 |
5 | DCPP | Decadal Climate Prediction Project | 拟参加 |
6 | FAFMIP | Flux‐Anomaly‐Forced Model Intercomparison Project | 拟参加 |
7 | GeoMIP | Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project | 拟参加 |
8 | GMMIP | Global Monsoons Model Intercomparison Project | 参加 |
9 | HighResMIPI | High Resolution Model Intercomparison Project | 不参加 |
10 | ISMIP6 | Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project for CMIP6 | 拟参加 |
11 | LS3MIP | Land Surface, Snow and Soil Moisture | 参加 |
12 | LUMIP | Land‐Use Model Intercomparison Project | 参加 |
13 | OMIP | Ocean Model Intercomparison Project | 拟参加 |
14 | PMIP | Palaeoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project | 拟参加 |
15 | RFMIP | Radiative Forcing Model Intercomparison Project | 不参加 |
16 | ScenarioMIP | Scenario Model Intercomparison Project | 参加 |
17 | VolMIP | Volcanic Forcings Model Intercomparison Project | 拟参加 |
18 | CORDEX* | Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment | 拟参加 |
19 | DynVar* | Dynamics and Variability of the Stratosphere‐Troposphere System | 不参加 |
20 | SIMPI* | Sea‐Ice Model Intercomparison Project | 不参加 |
21 | VIACS AB* | VIACS Advisory Board for CMIP6 | 不参加 |
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